Advice Category Archives

The Advice: ‘I Am Readdddy For Looovee’….Have a Seat, You’re Not.

Lately, I’ve been realizing something about us girls. I have realized that we inadvertently sabotage each other and our potential relationships by giving bad advice. What do I mean….let me explain. It’s funny that the people in your life that are supposed to support you, are the same ones that will criticize you for decisions that you have make in your life. As girls, we oftentimes make the mistake of telling our girlfriends a little too much about our new mancandy. Of course, you know, you’re excited. He seems to have it together, he’s cute, things are progressing well… until they’re not.


The Advice: The Truth About Forgiveness

“There are certain people who are meant to remain in your past. I made a mistake trying to repurpose you.” – Hannah,Girls

I used to think I was good at letting things go. I had always thought that I was a forgiving person, and that people took advantage of that. I had a wonderful revelation today, and I attribute this to having a rather insightful conversation with my best friend about the past year or so about our friendship. Over the course of the conversation, I realized that although our friendship had changed, she was still the same person. She had forgiven me for the way I had treated her because our friendship was evolving into something new and foreign, and yet I had not forgiven her for hurting my feelings. It dawned on me, that I kept saying out loud for months that I was over it, but internally I was holding on to hurt feelings. It wasn’t helping me, it was actually stunting my growth. I was so quick to stay angry, instead of embracing that change was happening, the friendship was changing, and that it didn’t necessarily mean the end. In fact, it may mean a new level of understanding between us.


The Advice: Girls F*ck Up, Too.

It’s August in case you guys didn’t know. That’s fuckin’ crazy how fast time is going…how fast life is going. I was thinking about the last two summers.. and in both instances, there has been significant life events that have changed my way of thinking drastically. I’m about to go ham right now, because I don’t give a damn about exposing myself to you people. You still read this, so maybe something I say resonates in some way to you.


The Advice: How to Be a Good ‘Single.’

There are good single people and bad single people. It may sound ridiculous, but trust me, it’s not. As we grow older, we begin to formulate and create the image of what our perfect mate should be like. maybe it’s based on dreams we’ve had, or movies we’ve seen, or songs we’ve heard. maybe it’s a fantasy cultivated by our upbringing. Whatever the case may be, we have an idea about what we want. But of course, just because you know exactly what you want, doesn’t mean that you don’t go through a plethora of wrong ones first. We’ve all kissed a few frogs before we’ve found our prince or princess. In fact, we still may be locking lips with all the wrong toads. The thing, there are rules to being single, and learning to live the single life takes a certain finesse. Here’s how you know you’re doing it wrong.
