“The Love Experience” is an editorial project that features dynamic couples in love. The series, shot by fashion photographer Bryce Lennon, celebrates diversity through the perspective of underrepresented relationships.”

The Second Time Around: Tré + Hireem

Lets welcome our next engaged couple, Tre and Hireem! Their journey began back in college, when they met through a mutual friend. Fast forward a decade later, Tré and Hireem are currently engaged and planning a future together! Do you want to know more? You can check out their full story below:

How did you two meet? What were some of you first impressions?

Tré: We met through a mutual friend of ours. I came home for the weekend (I was a away at college), and looking for something to do. Our mutual friend suggested me to take his best friend out (Hireem). He gave me her number, we spoke, and went to a lounge that night. We had a really great time!

Hireem: The way I recall the story is a little different. We did meet through a mutual friend, but Tré allegedly saw my photo and inquired further. After that, my friend put me on that phone with Tré, since they were always together. It was me who said, “Do you want to take me out,” since that’s how I used to talk at the time. We did go to the lounge, and had a great time. So, that was the first time we ever met, but we didn’t start dating until much later. Now, that’s the story I remember!

How long have you two been together or engaged?

Hireem: We’ve been engaged for a year and a half.

At what point in your relationship did you realize you wanted to get married?

Tré: I knew she was the one for me when I realized how she dealt with me. I’m very aware of  my flaws, and Hireem has been very patient.

Hireem: Early in our dating phase, one of my friends presented a scenario: If Tré proposes, would you accept? Since I hesitated with my response, I knew that we weren’t ready yet. Mid-way through our second time around though (We got back together in 2015), I was absolutely certain about our future together.

What is the biggest strength of your relationship?

Tré: Spontaneity! It helps keep things fun and exciting, which has been very helpful for us.

Hireem: We base most of our conversations around how we should communicate more. I’m the type of person that has to get everything of my chest or conscious in the moment. For Tre, he’s more laid back and has to process. I’ve learned to give him time, and that’s a huge strength for us.

What do you do together for fun?

Hireem: We have the best times when we travel together! Plus, we order a lot of “trash” pizza (Trash Pizza: Junk on a pizza).

Tré: We did a lot more before the pandemic, but our Sunday Trader Joes run are really fun! It’s an experience.

For anyone struggling in the dating world, what advice would you give them in regards to sustaining a healthy and loving relationship?

Hireem: Communicate and make sure you two actually like each other.

Tré: Be open minded, flexible, and don’t be too stuck in your ways. For instance, when you’re accustomed to doing something a particular way versus your partner doing it completely different. It’s a very common issue that can cause a lot of tension and resentment. It’s easier to meet in the middle

Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and connect with both Tré and Hireem on Instagram below:

@cash_nj @fabandfocused

Thanks for reading!

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