“The Love Experience” is an editorial project that features dynamic couples in love. The series, shot by fashion photographer Bryce Lennon, celebrates diversity through the perspective of underrepresented relationships.”

A Rocky Start Leads to a Steady Foundation: Sean + Siobhan

Hey everyone, and welcome to the latest installment of the Love Experience!

To kick off Cycle 4, we would like to introduce everyone to our first couple, Sean and Siobhan! You can check out their full story below:

How did you two meet? What were some of you first impressions?

Sean: We met on OkCupid back in 2013, and we began conversing off and on for over a month. It was getting a little to weird for Siobhan at first, but she began to warm up after a while. Once we were able to get over that little hump, we went on our first date to some local bar. Siobhan brought everyone she knew in her life including friends, coworkers, cousins. Meanwhile, I brought my roommate (That was it).

Siobhan: I took a couple of car bombs and got drunk (I was so nervous)! As you can see, we didn’t fall in love on the first date.

Sean: Afterwards, I told my roommate, “I don’t know about her!” Luckily, we went on couple more dates, which really sealed the deal!

Siobhan: We finally got comfortable with each other by the third date!

How long have you two been together or engaged?

Siobhan: We’ve been engaged for almost two years (February 2021), and we get married in September of 2023.

At what point in your relationship did you realize you wanted to get married?

Siobhan: Despite our beginning being a little rocky, we moved in together after six months. We were very committed early on, and dated with intention. There were a few discussions about marriage here and there, and we took our relationship very serious.

What is the biggest strength of your relationship?

Sean: Our communication is very strong!

Siobhan: We’ve been together for nine years, and we accept the good, bad, and the ugly. Over that time, we’ve grown as individuals and evolved as a couple. We’re not perfect, and love each other because of that. I may be bratty and goofy, and Sean loves me because of all those things.

What do you do together for fun?

Sean: We like to travel, eat together, and attend Broadway shows.

Siobhan: What Sean said, but we really appreciate a nice dinner and drink situation.

For anyone struggling in the dating world, what advice would you give them in regards to sustaining a healthy and loving relationship?

Siobhan: Giving each other grace and communication. They’re really important.

Sean: Live in the moment and enjoy your time together. If you’re single, enjoy it. You won’t get that time back. Don’t put pressure on yourself. Everything will come together.

Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and connect with both Sean and Siobhan on Instagram below:

@stl_13 @sio.leonard

Thanks for reading!

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