February Monthly Archives

After 5: A Pop of Color

Would you ever pass up an opportunity to spend most of your day bundled up in your home? Imagine relaxing with laying in your thickest blanket, watching your favorite television shows, sipping a mug filled with hot chocolate, and resting by an open fire place. This “lavish” lifestyle sounds ideal if you plan to spend the rest of winter hibernating like a grizzly bar.

In the winter, we are treated to some of the most relaxing days of the year. However, we encounter some of the dreariest days this season. We experience shorter days, reduced sunlight, and a general lack motivation to do anything productive.  

In addition to affecting our daily routines and emotions, the dreariest days of winter can interfere with our daily wardrobe choices as well. Our monochromatic shades of blacks, grays, and whites are more prevalent during this season. Just in case you only have a desire to wear one shade all season, make sure you can brighten up your look with a pop of color.

“Just because it’s cold out doesn’t mean your clothes need to be boring and unflattering. In fact, I firmly believe you have way more wardrobe options during the cooler months.” – Janaia

For this post, our veteran model, Janaia, shows how to sexy and chic during the winter, with a pop of color!


The Advice: The Fear of Falling.

“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.” ― Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 9: The Kindly Ones


I’ve been thinking a lot about fear. Even the bravest of souls are afraid of something, whether it’s spiders, heights, or…falling in love. It’s crazy how much fear limits us, and stops us from getting to where we are meant to be. So, I’ve been working really hard to be brave in all aspects of my life. I probably have mentioned that I have an absurd job working with the mentally ill in the city. That alone has caused me to invest in big girl pants, and approach every workday with unwavering ferocity. I am in the process of training for the Spartan Race. Challenging myself physically every year is something I made a pact to do when I turned 25, starting with my first 10K last fall. This is no easy feat, considering that it’s been snowing every other day, and I love carbs. I also have been trying to be brave in my love life.

What do I mean by this? Well, as I’ve started dating again, I’ve been having lots of conversations about dating, meeting new potential, and how scary that can be. I mean, it’s a daunting task, meeting someone new. Getting to know all of their little quirks and idiosyncrasies. Figuring out if you’re compatible in and out of the bedroom. Introducing them to your friends, and hoping for your friends’ approval. Having conversations on the phone (maybe that’s just me, I think I have a weird phone voice. But I digress). Being vocal about what exactly you want, where this is going…being vocal about your feelings. Shit is terrifying. I never thought that I would get back to this place, where I actually am excited about meeting someone new. Someone to look forward to spending time with. I also have gotten to a new place, where I am more comfortable expressing my wants and needs. I think that is what I’m most proud of at this very moment. I decided to blog about it, because I want this for all my fellow singles, and I also am demanding ya’ll to get here with me!


Casual: Puffer Coat

As promised in previous weeks, we have another fresh face, who happens to model professionally. Without further ado, we would like to introduce Matthias Lee. Currently, Matthias is living in the Big Apple, working as a personal trainer. 

Although he loves living on the east coast, Matthias wants to maximize his talents and skills and move elsewhere. He plans on taking his modeling and acting skill set to the next level by moving to the city where any dream can become a reality, Los Angeles, California.

Before he leaves, Matthias shows us his interpretation of personal style below. 


Brands: Exhibit Superior Thoughts

Whether you are first time reader, or our number one supporter, you should understand with how we do things at UnregisteredStyle. We discuss fashion through a variety of posts that are related to the featured model’s attire. Each post offers our readers with a variety of looks and styles from each volunteer model.

Beyond our clothing features, there is a grey area of the site that we rarely acknowledge. If you forgot, this section is entitled, “The Brands.” Here, we feature aspiring entrepreneurs that allow us to discuss their brands. This section is not limited to clothing lines. For isntance,we offer features in jewelery, accessories, and other unique products as well.

For this post, we are featuring a clothing line entitled, “Exhibit Superior Thoughts.” Lets check out what this brand has to offer below.
