Street Style: Flannel Shirts

In the United States, every decade illustrates a different representation of fashion within modern society.  As a result, different eras of fashion and personal style are created that are affiliated with modern trends that change over time. For example, young Americans began to develop an appreciation for grunge music in the 90s. Music from bands like Pearl Jam and Nirvana inspired a lifestyle where individuals adapted outdoor, shaggy, and grungier fashion trends.

One of the most popular trends inspired by the grunge era was the inclusion of flannel shirts. As a season staple, flannel shirts offer both warmth and comfort to both men and women. They are typically thicker than your everyday plaid shirt. In addition, flannel shirts are created in a variety of neutral colors and patterns that illustrate the essence of fall.

In 2013, flannel shirts hold the same amount of weight as they did in the past. So, we decided to feature another outfit from Justin, where he incorporates a plaid, flannel shirt with his modern style.

“Style to me is a reflection of your ideas and influences portrayed through how you present yourself. From your clothes to your personality, all that shit is synonymous.” – Justin

Flannel shirts have been around forever. Although its true origins remain a mystery today, early reports indicate that flannel shirts originated between the 16th and 17th centuries.  It was originally made from short staple wool. In the 20th century, the garment was made by silk and cotton together, where we saw a rise in flannel pants. The process later adapted woven polyester since the production was considered more economical than traditional flannel.

This leads us to the 90s, where plaid, flannel became very popular. Thus, there are three main reasons why plaid, flannel shirts were popular in the past and today: 1) They are warm 2) They are easy to wear 3) They are created in a variety of colors.

Similar to the three reasons mentioned above, Justin is definitely keeping warm in his shirt. Let’s be perfectly honest, one of the flannel shirt’s biggest selling points relies on its ability to keep you warm. Why bother layering a shirt that is going to keep you cold?

When wearing it over a shirt, Justin is able to stay warm during any weather condition. For this feature, we shot a good day this season. However, we are pretty sure Justin would still manage to stay warm in the rain or snow. This is what happens when you were your shirt like an outwear garment. Justin is almost wearing his plaid flannel shirt like a light coat or jacket.

This leads us to the second reason, the flannel shirt’s ability to be worn with anything! Justin could wear his shirt as a jacket or as a regular button down. Also, Justin wore his shirt with black, distressed denim jeans and a pair of white Converses.

If you wanted to dress up your flannel shirt, take a stab at a sweater or tailored shirt underneath. It will definitely keep you warm and upscale your look.

“You could wear this outfit to your local hood party, brothel, park, bar, wherever really. I would definitely just wear this on a chill day, kind of want to look proper but not overdoing it.” – Justin

As mentioned above, flannel shirts are created in a variety in colors and patterns. Retail stores like American Eagle, H&M, Old Navy, and Urban Outfitters have a variety of flannel shirts in different colors. For Justin, he is going for a darker appearance. The combination of black, gray, and white shirt is perfect for this season. You can’t go wrong when you wear black in general, especially during the colder months.

For more looks from Justin, follow him on Instagram @nsco_justin .

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